SAFOD will officially launch the project by hosting a half-day regional webinar via Zoom and streamed on Facebook live to ensure full participation of youth, children, and other stakeholders.
The webinar’s goal is to provide a platform to share and amplify youth and children’s voices about disability rights, issues they are passionate about and share their knowledge, expertise, insights, and experience with other kids regionally.
The webinar will also seek to promote an online campaign on how social media and other online tools can be used as an advocacy tool, particularly now that the world is battling to control COVID-19.
The webinar will create an opportunity for youth and children and other stakeholders to connect and engage in an open and transparent dialogue on how to accelerate progress towards the realization of the rights of youth with disabilities and build consensus on strategic roles and commitments and call to action leaders and influencers on elevating disability rights for youth and children.
The webinar will serve as a space for youth to interact both in plenary and breakout formats, generating insights into the most impactful issues for young persons with disabilities. A key output from the webinar will be a regional youth database which will strengthen future regional youth engagements such as the upcoming GDS 2022, and effective coordination, collaboration, and communication, particularly amongst youth with disabilities.