The Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled (SAFOD) takes the Protection of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) of all children involved in our project very seriously.
For example, as an organization, we commit ourselves to putting in place appropriate standards of conduct, other preventive measures, reporting, monitoring, investigation, and corrective measures.
Institutional Policy
In pursuit of our commitment as stated above, SAFOD is in the process of developing an institutional PSEA Policy, with the support of our trusted partner, UNICEF, which is expected to be completed soon.
Therefore, we promise to publish the PSEA policy on this page as soon as we complete the exercise. In addition, we will also publish the policy on SAFOD’s official website so that you, our partners, our collaborators, as well as the general public appreciate the measures we take to protect minors from all forms of exploitation and abuse within and even outside our work environments.
Please watch this space for further updates soon!